
20 February 2025

Research Associate (Post doc) full-time vacancy in Housing Studies at LISER (Luxembourg)

The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) in Esch-sur-Alzette is recruiting a Research Associate in Housing Studies. She or he will play a key role in developing high quality, scientific and policy-relevant work within the Urban Development and Mobility department, in particular in the framework of the Housing Observatory, a multi-annual collaboration between LISER and the Luxembourg Housing Ministry.
The Urban Development and Mobility department brings together researchers from a number of different disciplines (including geography, economics, sociology, and urban planning) who draw on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with a strong spatial analysis component.
The candidate will have two main missions: To advance the social and spatial analyses conducted in the Housing Observatory; and to develop an innovative research agenda and produce research outputs in line with the broad scientific interests of researchers in the Urban Development and Mobility department.
More information and submission details you find here.
Submit your complete application in English before March 14th, 2025 at midnight CET.

16 December 2024

PhD vacancy ‘Housing Governance for Healthy Aging’

The University of Groningen (The Netherlands) is looking for a PhD candidate to take part in the research project ‘Housing Governance for Healthy Aging,’ led by Principal Investigators Dr. Sarah Mawhorter and Dr. Sara Özoğul together with Prof. Louise Meijering at the University of Groningen.
This project investigates the role of housing governance – at the local and national levels – in supporting healthy aging, whether aging in place or transitioning to new living situations such as retirement communities or a form of assisted living. In a comparative framework, the project involves using mixed methods to analyse housing governance regimes and outcomes for older adult housing and health across countries within Europe, and states within the U.S., then to assess how these play out at the local level.
A PhD training programme is part of the agreement and the successful candidate will be enrolled in the Graduate School of Spatial Sciences.
This full-time position (1.0 FTE) for four years. Read the full job offer here.
Application deadline: 23 February  2025, 11:59 pm Dutch local time (CET) by means of the application form. Initial interviews will be scheduled for March 2025.
For information you can contact Dr. Sarah Mawhorter.

16 December 2024

Call for papers for symposium ‘The political economy of housing production under late neoliberalism’ and special issue Housing, Theory and Society

A 2-day symposium on 22-23 May 2025 at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London will bring together state-of-the-art research that re-centres the political economy of housebuilding in housing studies, focussing on the broader political, economic and ideological structures which condition – and are conditioned by – the different actors involved in the housebuilding industry. It is intended that the symposium will result in a Special Issue on the topic with Housing, Theory and Society. Attendees will be expected to present substantive papers.

Organisers: Dr Chris Foye (University College London), Dr Edward Shepherd (Cardiff University), and Dr. Lan Deng (University of Michigan). Contact e-mail: [email protected].

Important dates:
3 March 2025: Submission deadline
17 March 2025: Decision and funding allocation
22-23 May 2025: Symposium
September 2025: Deadline for draft Special Issue paper submission.
December 2025: Papers submitted to Housing, Theory and Society to go through the formal peer review process.

See the extended call for papers – including a link to the application form – for more details, also about funding and the special issue. 

6 November 2024

Postdoctoral position in Collaborative Living Environments at Lund University (Sweden)

This postdoctoral position will be based at Housing Development & Management (HDM) within the Department of Architecture and Built Environment. HDM studies sustainable housing development in urban areas. There will be close collaboration with the Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments (Faculty of Medicine) and the School of Social Work (Faculty of Social Sciences).
The overall goal is to propose future collaborative living environments that promote older adults’ health and wellbeing. The postdoc will carry out interdisciplinary research focusing on (a) the role that the type of housing form has on social isolation, loneliness and inactivity in older adults, and (b) the relation between the built environment and older adults’ everyday life activities, mobility and accessibility at neighbourhood level.  
The postdoc will develop theoretical frameworks, engage in designing data collection tools and carry out fieldwork in different cities in Sweden. The postdoc will also carry out data analysis and write academic papers and will be engaged in transferal of results to popular science articles and capacity building material.
For more information and application link visit the job announce page
Application deadline: 3 December 2024. Contact Associate Senior Lecturer in Architecture, Housing Development & Management Ivette Arroyo for further details.

26 September 2024

Call for papers for an edited volume or special journal issue on cross-national comparative residential densification in cities

We are inviting papers from scholars and practitioners that offer thoughtful, rigorous research, analysis and commentary on residential densification, to further cross-national comparative conversations on the forms, challenges and outcomes of densification in countries around the world.
Papers can address any relevant aspect of this broad, multifaceted subject and should contextualize the subject, and should attempt to draw lessons useful for cross-national comparative analysis. We are looking for papers that will generate discussion and will speak to one another across political, planning and economic systems, rather than being narrowly focused on a particular practice or case study.
Deadline: 31 October 2024.
The final decision on the form the project will take will be made in consultation with the authors who will be contributing papers to the project.
More information: Alan Mallach (Center for Community Progress Washington DC, USA) and Tal Alster (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel).

26 July 2024

Two Habitat for Humanity housing market research consultant vacancies

Habitat for Humanity International Europe and Middle East (EME) is looking for two qualified consultants to determine the scale of opportunities in terms of existing empty spaces as well as contextual factors – which may be social, financial and legal – that exist within Croatia and Hungary, around the conversion and repurposing of vacant spaces into viable and affordable social housing, designed to support vulnerable communities. This research also aims at identifying markets where there is considerable potential to reutilize empty spaces as a possible housing solution. Each consultant will focus on one country.
The overall duration of the assignments shall not exceed 25 days. The assignments should start latest on October 15, 2024 and should be completed by the end of January 2, 2025.
More information about the consultant vacancies you find here for Croatia and here for Hungary.
Submission deadline: August 31, 2024.
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a nonprofit housing organization that helps low-income people around the world access decent housing.

26 July 2024

Call for contributions for Springer publication ‘Housing Economics and Search Markets’

In this book the main topics will concern the interplay between housing tenure, employment status and market outcomes, analysed by the search and matching approach by Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides. The search and matching model has become the benchmark theoretical framework used by economists to study all the search markets.
‘Housing Economics and Search Markets’ will be part of the book series Contributions to Economics.
The book can be used as a textbook for all courses in Housing and Real Estate Economics and be used by professionals in the real estate field. Therefore, simplified versions (with minimal formalisation) of already published scientific articles are also welcome.
Keywords: Housing economics – Real estate economics – Homeownership – Unemployment – Housing tenure – House prices – Wages – Mortgage market – Search markets – Economic policy. Geographical focus: not specified.
Delivery date to the Publisher: 30th June 2025. Contributions should be delivered to editor/corresponding author ass. prof. Gaetano Lisi, eCampus University, Rome, Italy, a few weeks before the deadline. Authors can send a simple Word file. Formatting will be taken care of.

26 April 2024

5 vacancies: 4 PhD positions and one postdoctoral housing research position

A new international collaborative research ‘Transformations in Housing and Intergenerational Contracts in Europe’ (THICE), led by the Humboldt University Berlin, has four PhD vacancies and one Postdoctoral Research Fellow vacancy. Also involved are the University of Amsterdam, the University of Granada and University College Dublin.
Post 1 and 2 (PhD students) are based in the Geography Department at Humboldt-University Berlin. Closing date for applications is May 15. For more information click here.
Post 3 (PhD student) is based in the Department of Sociology, University of Granada. Application period: between 13th and 24th of May through this website.
Post 4 (PhD student) is based in the Institute for Social Policy at University College Dublin. Closing date for applications is May 15. More information you find here.
Post 5 (Postdoc) is based in the Department of Sociology at University of Granada. Application period: between 13th and 24th of May through this website.
The project will start from September 1st, 2024.

22 April 2024

Call for 6 PhD positions in Urban Studies at the University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)

The International Doctoral Program URBEUR at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan Bicocca, is seeking applications for a three-year program in Urban Studies. PhD students will have the opportunity to shape their own research project on a topic of their choice, with a special focus on housing. Additionally, they will benefit from an extensive network of international relations and collaborations with leading European universities, facilitating visiting periods and co-tutorship collaborations.
Deadline for the first round of applications: May 14, 2024, at noon.
To apply, visit the university’s Calls for application page.
For more information, contact dr. Igor Costarelli

5 April 2024

12 PhD positions at The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany)

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt are currently seeking applications for 12 PhD positions in the DFG Research Training Group “Gewohnter Wandel. Gesellschaftliche Transformation und räumliche Materialisierung des Wohnens” (Societal Transformation and Spatial Materialisation of Housing) to be filled by October 1, 2024 (part-time, 75%, E13, 3.5 years, six each in Weimar and Frankfurt).
The interdisciplinary research training group explores the interdependence between societal transformation and the built environment of housing. The aim is to develop research perspectives through which questions of housing, its transformation and future can systematically be analysed. An accompanying study programme will facilitate knowledge of theories and methods of interdisciplinary housing research and will also strengthen interdisciplinary academic competencies. In addition, non-academic partners of the Research Training Group will provide practical knowledge on housing provision and housing research. Although the primary working language of the Research Training Group is German, research projects may be pursued in German or English.
You can find further information on our website
The call closes on 15 May 2024.

22 February 2024

Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Inequality in the housing market”

De Economist – Netherlands Economic Review opens a call for papers for a special issue on Inequality in the housing market.
In the past decade, housing markets in Europe have experienced substantial price swings through a bust and surge in demand. Equality and fairness concerns have been a major reason for various types of government interventions in many countries. However, the recent strong increase in mortgage interest rates has slowed down demand for housing. As a result, new challenges surrounding the efficient functioning of housing markets, the necessity of those government interventions and equitable market outcomes have occurred. In this special issue we want to address the interactions between cyclical market developments, government policies, and housing outcomes at the macro and micro level.

Empirical and theoretical submissions on housing and inequality are solicited for selection in the special issue.
Topics include (but are not limited to): Implications of housing for wealth inequality; Neighbourhoods effects and inequality; The implications of social rent assistance for functioning of housing market; The pros and cons of homeownership; Financial risks in the housing market; Housing markets and the growth of cities; Housing and changing patterns of telework; Pricing in the housing market; Intergenerational mechanisms of housing; Housing affordability and energy.

Editors: prof. Wolter Hassink (Utrecht University) and dr. Christian Lennartz (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency).

Submission procedure
Please submit your papers through the ordinary submission process of De Economist. Earlier submissions will immediately follow an accelerated review process with final decisions within six months.

Submission deadline: 31 March 2024

29 January 2024

Housing Deterioration and Home Repair: Call for papers for a symposium and edited book

We are seeking papers that contain thoughtful, rigorous research, analysis and commentary on housing deterioration and home repair. We invite scholars and practitioners – separately or in combination – to propose papers on various aspects of housing deterioration and home repairs, including but not limited to the specific topics and questions outlined here.
Authors whose proposals are selected will be expected to prepare the paper and present it at a symposium to be held in St. Louis in January or February 2025. Those who complete their papers in final draft form in time to present them at the symposium will receive an honorarium of $1,000 and will have their expenses for travel, accommodation and meals at the symposium covered. After the symposium, the organizers/editors will select papers for inclusion in an edited book and invite their authors to revise them as necessary. The authors of papers accepted for publication will receive a second honorarium of $1,000.
Authors interested in participating in this project should submit a proposal no later than February 16, 2024 to Todd Swanstrom (University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA). Proposals should include the following: an abstract of the proposed paper (no more than 500 words); a statement of each author’s background or interest in this subject or related fields, such as code enforcement, affordable housing, neighborhood stabilization, etc.; CVs for all authors, and contact information for all authors, with the corresponding author identified.

28 December 2023

ENHR Working Group Housing and Living Conditions of Ageing Populations call for papers

Call for papers for a special issue on de-institutionalization of nursing homes and other housing models: from community to service-needs and person-centered care. The aim of this special issue is to explore the different models of housing for aging well, from the de-institutionalization of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, to innovative models of senior housing, such as co-housing, service housing, retirement villages, and ageing-inplace. We are looking for challenges, advantages and disadvantages from a research perspective that goes beyond political discourses and focuses on good and innovative practices in Western societies and around the world.

Guest editors
Blanca Deusdad (Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain). 
Marianne Abramsson (Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden).

Important dates
June 2024: abstracts deadline (in line with the ENHR 2024 conference where the workshop Housing and Living Conditions of Ageing Populationswill be organised).
Submitted papers will be considered for a Special Issue of a high-ranking journal on housing and ageing studies. Final publication is planned for April 2025 (approx.).

The aim of this special issue is to explore the different models of housing for aging well, from the de-institutionalization of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, to innovative models of senior housing, such as co-housing, service housing, retirement villages, and ageing-in place. We are looking for challenges, advantages and disadvantages from a research perspective that goes beyond political discourses and focuses on good and innovative practices in Western societies and around the world.

9 October 2023

PhD position (75%, TV-L E13, all genders)

The Professorship of Urban Design, TUM, offers a PhD position (75%) starting from 18 January 2024 or 01 February 2024 (limited to 48 months).
The position is based in the research project ‘Housing for Families in Community and Neighbourhoods: Practices, Resources and Socio-Ecological Transformations (FaGeNa)’. The project explores how collaborative housing projects are embedded in neighbourhoods and how these are linked to practices and spatial resources of family housing. The project is part of the research cluster “ForFamily” between the TUM and The German Youth Institute (DJI) as research partners and the University of Bamberg, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, University of Applied Sciences Landshut, HM München University of Applied Sciences, LMU München and the State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb).
Regarding any questions please contact Isabel Glogar.
Application deadline: 1 November 2023. 
More info (in German only) you find here.

2 October 2023

Vacancy EqualHouse (senior) Post-Doctoral Researcher at Tilburg University (The Netherlands)

The Department of Sociology at Tilburg University (the Netherlands) is looking for an experienced post-doctoral researcher, who has the skills and enthusiasm to investigate the scale, character, and dynamics of housing inequality and its interplay with income and wealth inequalities across Europe and the United Kingdom.
Together with a team of researchers in Tilburg and elsewhere in Europe, you will work on the research project From Housing Inequality to Sustainable, Inclusive and Affordable Housing Solutions (EqualHouse), financed by the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and scheduled to start in 2024.
Application eadline is 25 October 2023.
For further details and online application see here.

25 September 2023

PhD position ‘Financial and Fiscal Influence on Housing Inequality’

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Geography & Tourism at KU Leuven (Belgium) is looking for a full-time PhD candidate for 4 years to take part in the research project “From Housing Inequality to Sustainable, Inclusive and Affordable Housing Solutions” (EqualHouse), funded by the European Commission.
Within EqualHouse you will focus on examining the most significant transnational policy, regulatory and financial influences on housing inequalities, focusing on the financialisation of housing and its interaction with globalisation and Europeanization, and identify how these influences can be addressed.
You can apply for this job no later than October 23, 2023.
Find more details here. For more information e-mail dr. Manuel Aalbers, coordinator of the Real Estate/Financial Complex (REFCOM) research group you will join.

20 September 2023

Rights to the City book series authors wanted

The new ‘Rights to the City’ –interdisciplinary book series sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) and published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis – is actively seeking proposals for books and curated edited volumes by both established and early-career researchers.
The series is committed to publishing studies that interrogate processes of urban transformation and the struggles for social justice that they bring about. The editors are particularly interested in books that examine how cities and city-regions can be shaped to yield equitable and sustainable rights, learn from each other, and contribute to enhancing such rights on local, national, and global stages. The series is global in focus. They encourage proposals that push disciplinary boundaries and utilize a variety of methodological approaches to engage the series’ six main themes:
– governance and policy
– equity, diversity, inclusion
– global (in)equalities
– activism and urban potentialities
– sustainability, resilience and adaptation
– comparative urbanism.
The Rights to the City series aims to appeal to a wide readership, including scholars, teachers, practitioners, activists, students, and general audiences. They editors are committed to providing an author-friendly publication experience that emphasizes timely and robust peer review and offers support to enhance the visibility and impact of work featured in the series.
Find more information here.

19 July 2023

Call for papers to special issue of Critical Housing Analysis

Critical Housing Analysis invites contributions to a special issue entitled ‘Social Movements against Housing Financialization’, edited by Gertjan Wijburg (KU Leuven, Belgium) and Richard Waldron (Queen’s University Belfast, UK).
The intention of this special issue is to develop critical housing scholarship on the under-researched impacts of social movements organizing local, national or global resistance against financialized housing practice, the rise of for-profit landlordism and rent-seeking investment in general. All contributions should have potentially wider policy implications so conclusions or lessons learned should be relevant for a broad group of readers from different countries.
Contributions must be no longer than 3,500 words, including a short abstract and references. Potential contributors should submit an abstract to [email protected] and [email protected] by August 14, 2023 at the latest.
The deadline for submission of full papers is January 15, 2024. The issue (no. 2 of 2024) is planned to be released by July 2024.
Full papers should be submitted here after registration of the corresponding author.

8 June 2023

Call for early-stage RE-DWELL housing researcher

Applications are open for an early-stage researcher position for Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN ‘RE-DWELL: Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe’ at Pacte research centre, Université Grenoble Alpes.
Task: To contribute to the RE-DWELL network by analysing case studies of affordable housing production and/or renovation in at least two European countries.
Duration: one year. The contract will be effective from September 5, 2023, to September 30, 2024.
Application deadline: 19 June 2023.
Host university Pacte is a social sciences research centre affiliated to the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) and the Grenoble Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Grenoble).
For further info see the RE-DWELL website here.

31 May 2023

ENHR’s sister-organisation APNHR announced 2024 conference

ENHR’s sister organisation Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research (APNHR) will organise its annual conference jointly with the Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference on 21-23 February 2024 in Adelaide (Australia).
Sub-themes of the conference ‘Re-imagining a better housing future’ are Housing equality for all generations; Housing as economic, social and health infrastructure; Asia-Pacific housing opportunities and challenges; Housing policy lessens from turbulent times; Housing supply challenges and opportunities; Housing futures through a well-being lens; Solutions for precarious housing systems; Creating sustainable and resilient homes and communities. 
For more information and to register early interest, see the newly launched Australasian Housing Studies Association website.

31 May 2023

ENHR involved in UAA 2024 conference

ENHR and the European Urban Research Organisation (EURA) will be collaborating with Urban Affairs Association in the 2024 UAA conference entitled ‘Cities on the Edge: Promoting Equity and Resiliency through Research, Activism, Planning, and Policy’, on 24-27 April 2024 in New York. ENHR’s chair and co-chairs are part of the organising committee. 
The UAA conference has strict deadlines:
1 October 2023: Abstract/Proposal Submission ends. No late submissions are accepted. Submit here
6 December 2023: Registration deadline for all accepted presenters and moderators.
Find the link to the conference here or check the Calendar on this website.
UAA and ENHR are partners based on a Memorandum of Understanding.

6 March 2023

Call for Housing Consultant

Habitat for Humanity is looking for a consultant for research of the Social Housing Landscape in Milan Metropolitan area (Italy) in context of repurposing empty spaces for vulnerable population. The assignment should start latest on 20 March 2023 and should be completed latest by end of April 2023.
Applications to Elena Milanovska, Ass. Director Housing Systems by 15 March 2023.
Read the full application details here.

3 February 2023

PhD position ‘Inequalities in the housing market’

Nijmegen School of Management is looking for a Dutch-speaking PhD student ‘inequalities in the housing market’. Please check out the advertisement here or download the pdf.
Application deadline: 8 March 2023.

1 February 2023

World Habitat Awards 2023

World Habitat is looking for practical, innovative and sustainable solutions to current housing challenges and welcomes entries from all over the world. These awards are co-ordinated by World Habitat, in partnership with UN-Habitat. 
Each year, two Gold winners receive £10,000 each and a trophy, presented at a global event – and collaborate with World Habitat through its exChange activities. The exChange provides tailored project support to scale-up and share your work with other organisations working on similar challenges.
All applications must be received by 23:59 GMT on 12 March 2023.
More about who can enter here and how the winners are chosen here.

16 January 2023

12 Marie-Sklodowska Curie Doctoral Researcher Positions on Ageing, Place and Home

HOMeAGE is a new EU funded doctoral training network on ‘Advancing Research and Training on Ageing, Place and Home’ that address these research-policy deficits. 
HOMeAGE involves a nine-country collaboration between leading research units, major intergovernmental organisations, international civil society actors and governmental and non-governmental organisations. HOMeAGE aims to institute an interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international programme of doctoral training and research that drives the development of new leaders in excellence for the advancement of evidence-based innovation on ageing in place. HOMeAGE will address the three interconnected challenges of (1) needs and systems, (2) home and belonging and (3) rights and voice. The 12 researchers will be hosted across the network in a number of European countries. In addition to conducting an original research study, they will participate in a 36-month network-wide training program, public engagement activities and will collaborate with network members through short-term secondments in European and international intersectoral partner organisations. 
Application deadline: 17 February 2023, 6 PM.
See here for further information on this programme and how to apply or e-mail [email protected]. 

27 October 2022

Call for Research Proposals on Housing and Real Estate

The Housing and Real Estate Chair of Sciences Po Urban School and CEE are looking to support comparative research on the most innovative and pathbreaking issues in housing studies.
1. Study on the contribution of institutional investors to affordable housing policies, in a comparative perspective
2. Study on the contribution of digital actors to the financialisation of real estate, in a comparative perspective
3. Study on the relationship between environmental policy instruments and the buildings sector in a comparative perspective
Deadline: 20th November
Visit the SciencePo website for more information.

25 April 2022

Housing and Poverty in Europe project report launch (Tuesday 26 April on Zoom, 11.30-13.00 (London) / 12.30-14.00 (Brussels).

Final report presentation from the Economic and Social Research Council-funded project examining the relationship between housing and poverty in Europe. The study has comprised a comparative quantitative analysis of data from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey from the period 2004-2018. The project report focusses on how European housing systems are changing, the incidence of housing deprivation and affordability problems, and their relationship with poverty in a comparative context.
The project team (Dr Rod Hick, Dr Marco Pomati and Professor Mark Stephens) will summarise some of the findings from the report, and there will be responses from two discussants: Prof. Becky Tunstall (University of York) and Freek Spinnewijn (Director of FEANTSA).
Chair: Prof. Sharon Wright (University of Glasgow).
Register here.

12 April 2022

Call for Editorial Board Members Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 2022-2025

Springer and the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment invite nominations for the 2022-2025 editorial board of the journal. This scientific journal in the fields of housing, and the interaction of housing and the use, behavior, design, and development of the built environment, publishes one volume of four issues per year. International in scope, the journal presents original research papers, perspectives, review articles, and shorter technical research notes. The range of coverage extends to substantive empirical analyses, theoretical works, applied research, and contributions to methodology. Quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods contributions are welcome. The journal also offers special issues arising from conferences and other meetings.

We are planning to expand the Editorial Board of the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment to include more Associate Editors representing each continent. The Associate Editors report to the Editor in Chief. The Associate Editors will participate in an annual virtual advisory board meeting; consult with the Editor in Chief on manuscripts in their area of expertise; are considered to lead the peer review process of manuscript submissions assigned to them and provide a final recommendation to the Editor in Chief; recruit manuscripts, and otherwise promote the journal. The Editor in Chief is responsible for accepting and rejecting manuscripts on the basis of the quality of the research presented and the suitability of the subject matter. Nominees should have proven excellence in peer-review publications and expertise in housing and built environment studies. Good command of English is a requisite, as all manuscripts are submitted in this language. This is a volunteer position.

Self-nominations for membership on the Editorial Board are encouraged. The Associate Editors’ names will appear on the masthead and have their own editorial system to handle editorial assignments. We are looking for candidates with a broad interest and demonstrable expertise in each of the major research areas in housing and the built environment, in particular, new developments in policy and practice on housing, and the interaction of housing and the use, behavior, design, and development of the built environment. Candidates with area expertise in South America, Africa, East & Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe are specifically encouraged to apply.

Send a short letter of nomination and a CV by E-mail to:
Springer, attn. Esther Otten and to Editors in Chief Peter Boelhouwer and Queena Qian.
The deadline for nominations is 15 May 2022. 

For further information on the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment visit our website.

22 March 2022

Vacancy: Research Coordinator Residential Energy Efficiency (April – August 2022, with a possible long-term extension)

The Habitat for Humanity International, Europe and Middle East Area Office is looking for a consultant who will be offered the following key tasks:
– Develop initial strategy for REE Observatory;
– Mapping of research community and identify pool of researcher who could become Editorial Board of a REE Journal;
– Prepare the publication of first collection of articles (REE Journal) by July 2022;
– Give presentations at several events to launch the REE Observatory;
– Prepare an HFHI policy paper on REE related topic;
– Contribute to other research and policy analysis initiative.

Habitat for Humanity International is located in Bratislava (Slovakia).
Send your offer to Gyorgy Sumeghy before 1 April 2022. You can find more information here

18 January 2022

Vacancy: PhD scholarship on impacts of the apartment boom on public transport in Australian cities

Recent growth in apartment housing along public transport corridors has been associated with overcrowded public transport services in Australian cities, yet this complex and interconnected relationship is not well understood. This project aims to investigate the direct and indirect effects of apartment housing on public transport use in Australian cities. The project will be supported by a survey of residents living in apartments in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, where most of Australia’s apartments are located. Research findings are expected to inform policy and practice for improving the integration of public transport and land use planning. This project is funded as part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA).

Applications for this PhD scholarship are now open, to commence between August and December 2022. The PhD candidate will be based at the RMIT Centre for Urban Research, Melbourne, Australia.
For application and eligibility requirements, click here. Contact for queries: Dr Chris De Gruyter, or phone +61 3 9925 5243.

17 January 2022

Special issue in Housing Theory and Society: Behavioural biases in the housing market

This Special Issue of Housing Theory and Society (ISSN: 1403-6096) aims to collect innovative works that focus on behavioural effects in the housing market, including housing choices and housing finance. Editors: Justyna Brzezicka, PhD (Institute of Spatial Economy and Geography, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, and Mateusz Tomal, PhD (Department of Real Estate and Investment Economics, Cracow University of Economics, Poland).
• 28 February 2022: expres your interest to prepare an article 
• 31 March 2022: notification of acceptance or rejection of the article proposal
• 30 September 2022: send a draft of the article for evaluation
• 31 October 2022: feedback to authors by the special issue editors and the journal’s associate editor
• 31 December 2022: final paper submission deadline deadline.

17 January 2022

Three Vacancies at Polis University, Tirana (Albania)

Deputy Rector – responsible for the academic process. Minimum requirement: Professorship title, 10-15 year experience in academic institution, including leadership experiences. Good knowledge of creative organizational development and institutional strengthening is needed.
Deputy Dean – Faculty of Planning, Environment and Entrepreneurship. Minimum requirements: PhD degree, 8-10 years of experience in academic institutions, including leadership experiences. Good knowledge of sustainable planning, environmental issues, as well public and private administration, is needed.
Head of Department – of Architecture. Minimum requirements: PhD degree, 8-10 years of experience in academic institutions, including leadership experiences. Good knowledge of theories of architecture and city, is needed.

Creative and open to adapt to the local legislation and conditions of Albania. Good command of English language. Positivity and enthusiasm for an alternative experience.
Express your interest at Polis University (letter of interest, CV, recommendation letters): [email protected] and [email protected].

17 January 2022

New center of excellence on housing, planning and development with focus on sustainability and resilience

Polis University and Co-Plan Institute in Tirana Albania established a center of excellence on housing, planning and development with a focus on sustainability and resilience. The center is established thanks to cooperation with the Housing Department, the Ministry of Finance of Albania, and UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The center is named OMB Observatory of Mediterranean Basin, making a geographic connection to the Western Balkans region and Mediterranean perspective. The center is part of a network of 8 centers of excellence in Europe and North America established in cooperation with UNECE.
Contact: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
More information about the new center you find here and here.
Polis University is an Institutional ENHR member and organised an annual ENHR conference twice.

20 December 2021

Vacancy at Virginia Tech (USA), Apparel, Housing and Resource Management Department

Virginia Tech is looking for an Assistant Professor of Property Management for one academic year (9 months) tenured or tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position with expertise in Property Management. Applicants should have an earned doctorate. The department is interested in candidates who have a demonstrated commitment to building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment through teaching, research, and service.
Review date: 14 January 2022.
More information here.

9 November 2021

Vacancy at TU Eindhoven, Department of the Built Environment

The Department of the Built Environment at TU Eindhoven has a vacancy for a two-year Post-doctoral researcher conducting quantitative research into housing aspirations and new living concepts. The post-doc will work as part of the regional Urban Development Initiative, Future-proof Housing and Building Program, in close collaboration with societal partners. The researcher is expected to conduct empirical research as well as contribute to grant applications, publications, and outreach.
The position is open until latest December 10, 2021. Interviews will be conducted immediately, until a suitable candidate is found. The full text of the vacancy can be found here.
For more details, please contact Dr. Oana Druta.

1 November 2021

Housing Journal Podcast

Launched in 2018, the Housing Journal Podcast this regular podcast series features more than 40 interviews with authors publishing in the journals Housing Theory and Society, Housing Studies and the International Journal of Housing Policy. 
The podcast is produced by Dallas Rogers (Sydney University), with Julie Lawson (RMIT University), Beth Watts (Herriot Watt University) and Emma Power (University of Western Sydney). 14 episodes strong, and growing, feature research articles, book reviews and up and coming conferences.
Interviewees include Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Mark Stephens, Desire Fields, Erik Swyngedouw, David Clapham, Jie Chen, Hannu Ruonavaara,  Maurie Cohen and many others, discussing topics such as financialization, homelessness, activism, climate change, comparative theories, social justice, as well as publishing tips from editors and much more. 
The Housing Journal Podcast can be found here. Follow Twitter @housingtheory for alerts of the latest podcast. Or contact Julie Lawson to contribute to the podcast.

12 May 2021

Vacancy at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies 

The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano is looking for a Visiting Professor in ‘Contemporary City: Descriptions and Projects’. The visiting professor will be in charge of lecturing one full course for the period of her/his visiting position, developing autonomous research at the department, joining seminars and academic venues.
The course is offered at the second semester to first year Master students of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design. The course will be taught in English,
The Politecnico di Milano is one of the leading technical universities in Europe.
Deadline for submission is 31 May. More information available here.

12 May 2021

Call for papers on housing inequality: causes and potential solutions

Special issue editors Joris Hoekstra and Martina Gentili (both ENHR members) produced a call for input for Sustainability’s special issue on ‘housing inequality: causes and potential solutions’. They welcome papers that deal with (elements of) the following two research questions.
1. How does the interplay beween international, national, and local actors and processes result in housing inequality, empirically but also theoretically?
2. Which new housing solutions (government policies, social innovations, civil society initiatives) can (potentially) combat the different forms of housing inequality, thereby resulting in housing systems that are more affordable, socially sustainable, and inclusive? What is the rationale underlying these solutions? How have they been developed? To what extent are these solutions transferable to other contexts?
Submission deadline is 31 May 2022.
Click here for more information and submission instructions.

27 April 2021

Vacancy at the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR), University of Cambridge

ENHR’s Institutional Member The University of Cambridge is looking for a mixed methods housing and planning researcher (PhD or close to completion) with an excellent understanding of the UK housing market and/or the UK planning system or with equivalent relevant experience.
You will work on research grant applications, desk-based reviews, data collection and analysis, writing outputs, and dissemination of research findings to different audiences, including through reports and academic publications. You will often be working on more than one research project at a time. In addition to academic research, we also undertake policy and practice focused consultancy research.
For more details, visit the University of Cambridge’s recruitment pages here. The closing date for applications is 26 May 2021.

9 April 2021

Vacancy at Glasgow University

Glasgow University (ENHR member), Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences, College of Social Sciences is looking for a professor of Urban Analytics. Find job details here. For more information contact prof. Nick Bailey.
The closing date for applications is 3 May 2021.

30 March 2021

Call for Journal of Urban Affairs book reviewers

The Journal of Urban Affairs is looking for book reviewers. Why do book reviews? (1) It helps you stay on top of your field. (2) It helps improve your writing skills. (3) It helps strengthen your CV.
Established scholars, newly minted assistant professors, skilled doctoral students, and practitioners are all welcome to join. The book review editors David P. Varady and Leah Hollstein have a significant number of books available for review. They will match them with reviewers on a “first come, first served” basis. 
Send an e-mail to David Varady indicating your areas of interest.

3 March 2021


Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Urban and Regional Planning (5-year position) at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy of University College Dublin

Clusters of research interests:
• Development & Design: including housing, urban regeneration, urban design, regional innovation, community planning, heritage, smart cities, transportation.
• Environment and Planning: including planning and sustainability, the urban environment, rural planning, cities and noise and air pollution, green infrastructure, health/wellbeing and planning.

Closing date: 16 March 2021, 17:00 hrs (local Irish time).
More information here.  

3 February 2021

Call for Papers

Online symposium Houses of Cards? The Rules and Institutions of Housing Illegality in Western Countries 19-30 April 2021

This symposium aims at investigating different kinds of housing illegality in the West (Europe, Americas and Australasia) from the viewpoint of their interaction with the broader institutional framework in which they are situated. The multifaceted connection of informal practices in the field of housing with different layers of both public (e.g. planning and building laws, practice by street-level bureaucrats) and non-public (e.g. informal rules established by criminal organisations, shared social norms in specific informal environment institutions), and the resulting politics of housing informality are under scrutiny in particular.
Contributions reflecting on the changing nature of housing illegality and meanings of legal housing at times of global pandemic would also be considered.
A smaller in-person workshop is planned to take place at the University of Cambridge in late 2021.
Abstracts up to 250 words, together with author/s names, affiliations and contact information: 28th February 2021 to Sabina Maslova ([email protected]) and Francesco Chiodelli

3 February 2021


6 Early-Stage (PhD) Researcher positions Affordability & Sustainability
Project: RE-DWELL: Delivering affordable and sustainable housing in Europe
Affordability and sustainability of housing are regarded as complementary and interrelated aspects which are addressed in the project from different academic and non-academic perspectives.
Funding: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Action – Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) (1.10.2020-30.9.2024)
Deadline: open until 19 February 2021
Contact persons: indicated for each vacancy

20 October 2020


Editorship of The Journal of Urban Affairs
The Urban Affairs Association (UAA) invites proposals for the Editorship of The Journal of Urban Affairs (the JUA) for an initial contract term of 5 years (July 2021 – June 2026). 
Applicants must be individual members of the Urban Affairs Association in good standing, who can demonstrate significant publication experience, intellectual breadth and depth in the area of urban affairs, and strong administrative and organizational skills. UAA is open to applications that involve an individual editor, or co-editors. All journal submission and review communications are conducted electronically.
Deadline Letter of intent = 16 November 2020
Deadline full proposal = 1 February 2021
For general questions and inquiries contact Dr. Margaret Wilder, UAA Executive Director.
More information here.

23 September 2020


BUILD: New Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University
BUILD (Department of the Built Environment) is the new research institute at Aalborg University. It is a result of the merger between the Department of Civil Engineering and the Danish Building Research Institute; a longtime ENHR-member. It is Denmark’s largest department in construction, civil engineering and the built environment.
The research at the Department of the Built Environment is rooted in the field of engineering, but it also contains important and comprehensive elements from the social sciences and the humanities. This allows us to research, advice and educate a holistic approach to the complex issues of the urban, residential and construction area. The Department of the Built Environment will provide knowledge so that we can help solve some of society’s biggest challenges such as the climate crisis, population development, resource scarcity and urbanization.
The Department has more than 250 employees located in both Aalborg and Copenhagen. They cover research within a range of fields from urban water pollution, urban soil, sustainable cities and everyday practices, freight transport, traffic, road modelling, universal design and accessibility as well as transformation of housing and places. While some of these themes seem quite far from the main fields of Housing Research, the variety of our research enables us to work across fields and disciplines to help solve the key challenges of todays societies.
Visit BUILD here.

23 September 2020

Special Issue of Energies on ‘Business Models for Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings’
The aim of this special issue is to gather knowledge of and experience with respect to business models for energy renovations, including analysis of household behavior, supply-side issues, energy performance contract, district level renovation, role of public authorities, financing aspects, policy perspective, transition management, or any other aspect related to business models.
Co-guest editor Dr. Erwin Mlecnik (TU Delft and ENHR member).
Deadline = 10 May 2021.
Find more journal info here.

6 July 2020

New Working Group: Housing and New Technology
Michel Vols and Rosa Garcia-Teruel are the coordinators of a new ENHR Working Group Housing and new technologies.
New technologies, such as big data analysis, blockchain, crowdfunding, the internet of things, domotics, robotics, proptech or digital printing are expected to make an impact on housing itself as well as the theories and methodologies that housing researchers use in their research projects. These new technologies change the way we build, sell, rent or interact with our homes. By way of example, it is now possible to sell a property just attaching a certain right (e.g. the ownership) to a digital token, and transmitting immediately this token to another person. But while these technologies are facilitating our lives, some challenges and open questions arise: are these technologies going to change the way in which we conceive housing? What are the legal and ethical risks for citizens? Can digital printing reduce building costs without reducing the quality of the construction? What are the major benefits of using these tools? How could data science techniques contribute to housing research?
Taking into account that new technologies are increasing attention of scholars and professionals in the field of housing, this working group aims to promote dialogues and discussions on the impact of new technologies on housing (research) from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.
Some themes of this Working Group are: Big data analysis and housing (research), Distributed ledger technologies (blockchain) in housing, Real estate crowdfunding, Proptech, Housing digital printing, Internet of Things, robots and connected devices in homes, 5G Networks in housing, Applications of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in the housing sector and housing research, Interconnected (smart) cities.
Taking into account the COVID-19 and subsequent travelling restrictions, the coordinators propose for the following academic term an online webinar to officially create the Working Group and participation at the ENHR Conference in 2021 in Nicosia (Cyprus).

11 June 2020

Call for papers

Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City
This new journal, sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association, now accepts manuscripts for review. Publisher Taylor & Francis will treat the inaugural issue as open-source, making all manuscripts available online.
Deadline = open
Contacts: Yasminah Beebeejaun, University College London (United Kingdom) and Ali Modarres, University of Washington, Tacoma (USA).
E-mail = [email protected]