Online Seminars

new date 11 March 2022

ENHR conference location 2022 in Barcelona

The ENHR Coordination Committee organised a first on-line seminar for new researchers on 11 March 2022.

Invited to participate were PhD students as well as others that currently were not be at this stage but had the intention to embark on PhD studies in the future.

The key aims of the seminar were to:

Potential participants wereinvited to submit a brief abstract of about 200 words to the ENHR Secretariat: [email protected]. Since this was planned to be an in-between gathering, there was no requirement to submit a full paper. The abstract had to include the title, brief description of the work to be discussed and name of the author.
The seminar was open also to those who wished to attend and participate in the discussions without submitting an abstract.

Some responses from the post-seminar enquiry:

“It was a great introduction to the research communication process”

“I found the discussion period to be helpful for my own research and I also enjoyed engaging with other presenters regarding their work”

“Learning to present our work briefly is a valuable skill”

“Connecting with the other participants was an appreciated and unexpected outcome of the discussion period”

“Not only the tutor but colleagues were eager to discuss my questions and that is very much appreciated”

“I think ENHR is one of the only circles where there is a true interest for knowledge and research, and not so much getting things published or getting certificates”

“I would recommend it to my colleagues as a good opportunity to present their work without a lot of pressure”