

28 October 2024, 2pm-4pm (Online, UK time)
Autumn Lectur: Demystifying the world of policy: insights on the workings of policy and how the housing studies community can engage effectively
This Housing Studies Association lecture offers a look behind the scenes at how the policy making world operates and get some insights into how we might be able to engage more with central and local governments as individual researchers and as a housing studies community more broadly. You will hear from a range of experts who have been actively engaged with policymakers, across local, central and international levels, across numerous issues pertinent to housing scholars.
Speakers will include:
• Chair: Matt Downie MBE, Chief Executive for Crisis. Crisis are the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. They help people out of homelessness and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether.
• Beth Watts-Cobbe, Professor at I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University. Her research focuses on homelessness, youth homelessness, rough sleeping and complex needs, social housing, and poverty.
• Jennie Bibbings; Former Head of Campaigns at Shelter Cymru and now Senior Researcher on Housing and Homelessness at the Senedd.
Free for members, £35 for non-members.
For more information and registration see the HSA website

26-28 November 2024, Paris (France)
ESPI International Real Estate Conference
Plenary lectures and numerous breakout sessions are to take place over two days, along with tours at emblematic real estate projects in the Paris area on the 3rd day.
Deadline for registration at the conference: 15 November 2024.
For more information and registration, visis the conference website.

10-11 December 2024, Luxembourg
Workshop Homeownership, housing, and inequality: Continuity and change + Call for Papers
The ENHR Homeownership and Globalisation working group, in collaboration with the PROPEL project at the University of Luxembourg, is organizing this workshop.
We welcome single case studies and comparative papers, as well as studies focused on the national and the urban/local level. We are particularly interested in papers that relate to one of these broader themes:
• Continuity and change in policies towards homeownership
• Access to and pathways into, as well as exclusion from homeownership
• Housing experiences of those squeezed out of homeownership
• Dynamics in homeownership and inequality
• Parental support and inter-generational transfers related to home-ownership access
Send your abstracts to Richard Ronald.
Abstract Deadline: 31st October.
Participants will be notified about the outcome of their submission shortly after the deadline.
Workshop organisers: Richard Ronald (University of Amsterdam), Justin Kadi (University of Cambridge), Lindsay Flynn (University of Luxembourg)


15-19 April 2025, Vancouver (Canada)
International Conference on Urban Affairs
Abstract/proposal submission is open since July 1. See the conference info on the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) website for more information.

30 June – 4 July 2025, Paris – Champs/Marne (France)
ENHR Annual conference: ‘Affordable housing in greening cities’
5-day conference including the New Housing Researchers Conference on 30 June, plenaries, workshops and fieldtrips.
More information and registration options later this year.

6-11 July 2025, Rabat (Morocco)
5th International Sociological Association’s Forum of Sociology
The existing literature has often focused on design and architectural features, as well as residents’ attitudes towards social mixing. Less is known, however, regarding how specific socio-demographic factors, such as age, and social inequalities play out in mixed-tenure neighbourhoods. The Demography, Inequality and Community Development in Mixed-Tenure Neighbourhoods session organisers are therefore interested in the following themes: 
• How young people and elderly people – two relatively neglected groups – experience mixed-tenure communities.
• Although post-regeneration mixed-tenure neighbourhoods are often regarded as gentrified enclaves, this nevertheless begs all sort of questions regarding exactly how social inequalities – such as class, income and wealth, race/ethnicity, and gender – are experienced in relation to social mixing processes.
• How issues of health (both physical and mental) and disability are experienced with reference to mixed-tenure communities.
• Understanding the variety of community development strategies which are put in place in mixed-tenure neighbourhoods, and with what effects. We welcome submissions using a range of methodologies, and from different national contexts and especially from the Global South.
Submit your abstract (up to 300 words) by 15 October 2024 via the conference portal. Further details are provided here.
Session contacts: Paul Watt, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science and Rana Khazbak, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London.

Recent ENHR events

20 January 2021
Webinar ‘Housing and new technologies: New methodologies and paradigms in housing research’
Organised by the new Working Group Housing and New Technologies.

20-21 January 2021 Cologne (Germany)
Workshop ‘Recent Trends in European Rental Market Regulation’
Hosted by Working Group ‘Housing Finance’ and ‘Private Rented Markets’ in cooperation with the German Economic Institute (IW – Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft).

28-29 January 2021
Online workshop to share ideas, findings and discuss insights pertaining to housing, migration and family dynamics
Working Group Housing, Migration and Family Dynamics.

12-26 February 2021
Housing related impacts of the pandemic
Nine online seminars, most of them organised and hosted by ENHR Working Groups.

27 May 2021
Online seminar Recent dynamics in homeownership and housing wealth 
Hosted by Working Group Homeownership and Globalisation.

30 August – 2 September 2021 Nicosia (Cyprus) – online
‘Unsettled settlements: Housing in unstable contexts’
Annual ENHR conference

11 March 2022
New researchers’ on-line seminar
First on-line seminar for for new researchers to present and discuss their work with pears and get feedback on their work from senior members of the ENHR research community.

15-16 June 2022 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Late Homeownership – ENHR Working Group Homeownership and Globalization workshop
The aim of this workshop is to bring together research that revolves around the idea of  transformation of homeownership associated with the financialization of mortgage and housing markets. 

30 August – 2 September 2022 Barcelona (Spain)
The struggle for the ‘Right to Housing’: The pressures of globalization and affordability in cities today
Annual ENHR conference.

9-10 March 2023
2nd New Researchers online seminar
Invited to participate were PhD students as well as others that currently are not yet at this stage but have the intention to embark on PhD studies in the future. There was no requirement to submit a full paper. 

16 March 2023
Webinar Southern European housing policies in the 2020s: the farewell to residualisation?
Organised by the Working Group Southern European Housing.
Discussion and review of the state of the art of current housing policies (and their respective narratives – political, media, citizens etc.) in Southern European countries and/or regions and/or cities, problematizing them in the context of the above- mentioned changes. 

28-30 June 2023, Lodz (Poland)
ENHR annual conference themed ‘Urban regeneration: shines and shadows’
Annual ENHR conference. 

11-12 March 2024 (online)
3rd New Housing Researchers online seminar
Present your PhD research and ask a peer audience and senior ENHR chair for input and advice on 11 March (afternoon sessions) and 12 March (morning sessions). 

24-27 April 2024, New York (USA)
Cities on the Edge: Promoting equity and resiliency through research, activism, planning, and policy
Annual Urban Affairs Association conference, this year in collaboration with ENHR and the European Urban Research Organisation (EURA).

23-24 May 2024, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Workshop ‘A View from Housing – Contributions of Housing Research to Social and Behavioural Theory’
Workshop at the University of Glasgow, by Critical Housing Analysis and the ENHR Working Group on Comparative Housing Policy

26-30 August 2024, Delft (The Netherlands) 
ENHR Annual conference: Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions
5-day conference including the New Housing Researchers Conference on 26 August and plenaries, workshops and fieldtrips.