Online Seminars
12-26 February 2021

Online conference and series of online seminars to explore the housing-related impacts of the pandemic
12 February 14.00 – 16.00 CET Opening plenary meeting (two 1-hour long webinars)
Roundtable 1: discussion on the topic between ENHR housing experts
Peter Boelhouwer (Delft University of Technology and chair of ENHR): Possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our housing markets
Kim van Sparrentak (Member of the European Parliament): The importance of the EP resolution on decent and affordable housing for all
Jose Miguel Calatayud (freelance journalist and Housing Project director at Arena for Journalism in Europe): A journalist’s perspective, looking at housing from the transnational point of view
Moderator: Iván Tosics (Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, ENHR vice-chair)
Roundtable 2: discussion on the topic with housing experts from ENHR-related networks
Ed Goetz, US (Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota and chair of Urban Affairs Association (UAA) 2007-2009): The pandemic and housing precarity in the U.S.
Shenjing He, Asia (Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong and vice-chairman of APNHR): The community question in post-pandemic cities
Anacláudia Marinheiro Centeno Rossbach, Latin America (Cities Alliance – Latin America and Caribbean): Housing policies and informal settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean
Q/A, debate
Moderator: Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Barcelona, ENHR vice-chair)
Send an e-mail to the ENHR Secretariat ([email protected]) to register for the above online opening plenary
15 February 15:00 – 17:00 CET Working Group Metropolitan Dynamics: Urban Change, Markets and Governance & Working Group Land Markets and Housing Policy (joint workshop): “Effects of COVID-19 on metropolitan housing and land markets” Programme information here.
Registration: Ivan Tosics and Berit Nordahl
15 February 15:00 CET “Multiple-property investment in times of Covid-19″
Moderators: Christian Lennartz, Justin Kadi and Cody Hochstenbach
Programme information here.
Registration: Christian Lennartz
17 February 15:00 CET “Changing spatial preferences through Covid-19”
Moderators: Peter Boelhouwer and Christian Lennartz
Programme information here.
Registration: Peter Boelhouwer
18 February 15:00 – 17:00 CET Working Group Policy and Research “The Covid-19 pandemic effects on housing and policy & research responses”
Programme information here.
Registration by Monday 15 February 2021 (name, institution, E-mail; Subject WG Policy and Research 18 Feb): Jaana Nevalainen and Steffen Wetzstein
22 February 16:00 – 18:00 CET Working Group Towards Sustainable Communities and Housing: Actors, Interventions and Solutions & Working Group Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability of Housing (joint workshop): “The consequences of COVID-19 for sustainable communities and housing”
Registration: Montse Pareja-Eastaway and Catalina Turcu
23 February 10:00 – 13:00 CET Working Group Housing and Living conditions of Ageing Population: “How Covid-19 has affected older adults and their housing conditions”
Programme information here.
Registration: Blanca Deusdad
26 February 10.00 – 12.30 CET Working Group Southern European Housing: “COVID-19 and housing in Southern Europe”
Programme information here.
Registration: Sandra Marques Pereira
26 February 14:00 – 16:00 CET Closing plenary meeting (2-hour long webinar)
Reporting back from the different ENHR Working Groups about the results achieved in their online meetings and moderated debate about the results
Send an e-mail to the ENHR Secretariat ([email protected]) to register for this online closing plenary.
The Coordination Committee considers it important to organize such an event in this special period we are living in now. It would also bring ENHR members together and give us all the feeling we belong to a network, despite the fact that the 2020 conference in Nicosia was cancelled. ENHR Working Groups might consider this event as preparation for the 2021 conference in Nicosia.
Interested scholars are free to attend more than one online session.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to colleagues who you think could be interested – ENHR and its Working Groups are happy to expand!