21 March 2025, Online reseach seminar
Housing for Single People – Narratives, New Perspectives, and Methodological Challenges
Despite the trend of a growing number of one-person households there is a mismatch between the existing housing stock and demographic realities, as well as a significant blind spot in contemporary and past housing imaginaries. Today, housing for singles remains largely understudied.
This online research seminar seeks to gather doctoral researchers and early career scholars investigating housing for singles and other non-normative households. The thematic focus is on exploring singlehood through the lenses of architecture, interior design, and urbanism, with the goal of critically examining the ambivalent position of single-person households in history, capturing both their precarious realities and their potential for emancipation.
On this topic, we aim to enhance the understanding of the state of the art, build a transnational network of researchers, and engage in existing debates within housing history.
Submit abstracts of up to 300 words and a brief bio (maximum 100 words) via email to [email protected]. Call for abstracts deadline: 06 January 2025
Notification of acceptance: 20 January 2025. Find more information here.
The full programme is available here.
26 March 2025, 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Violence against women and homelessness
This seminar will explore the intersection between violence against women and homelessness, drawing on recent qualitative research that illustrates how abuse by intimate partners, family members, and strangers can lead to both acute and chronic housing insecurity. Many women reported being forced from their homes – sometimes fleeing multiple times – even when they held legal tenancy or ownership rights. Systemic failures, including inconsistent police responses, inaccessible or weakly enforced protection orders, and exposure to further violence within homelessness services, further entrenched these cycles of violence and homelessness. Women also described severe mental health impacts, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidality, with some initiating or escalating substance use as a coping mechanism. This functioned to compound barriers to safety and support and exposed them to the most harmful forms of homelessness, including rough sleeping. In this seminar, these findings and their implications for policy and practice will be examined.
I-SPHERE hosts a series of online seminars throughout the year with The University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Homelessness and Inclusion Health (CHIH). This provides a forum for sharing and debating developments regarding the institutes’ mutual interests in understanding and redressing the extreme inequalities and injustices affecting some of society’s most marginalised populations.
You can register here.
31 March 2025, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Racism and Homelessness, Exposed: Identifying and Addressing Inequalities in Systems
Chaired by the I-SPHERE team at Heriot-Watt University, we will explore how inequalities within the homelessness, housing and wider systems are creating the conditions that mean people from Black and minoritised ethnic groups are disproportionately more likely to experience precarious housing and homelessness, in its worst forms, and for longer.
I-SPHERE hosts a series of online seminars throughout the year with The University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Homelessness and Inclusion Health (CHIH). This provides a forum for sharing and debating developments regarding the institutes’ mutual interests in understanding and redressing the extreme inequalities and injustices affecting some of society’s most marginalised populations.
You can register here.
18-10 April 2025, international online conference
Building Resilience: Housing, Health and Extreme Events
This multi-disciplinary event by ‘The Healthier Housing Partnership with the University of Birmingham‘ will place emphasis on learning from community-led projects. Attendees will come away with practical, research-led tools on building resilience and applying the latest innovative technologies and materials to retrofitting.
This conference will look at the support victims and communities need post-event; how housing can be replaced; how existing housing can be adapted and new housing designed and constructed to build resilience into housing and neighbourhoods and protect mental, physical and social health. The conference also provides a platform to share, review and discuss learning from extreme events, from preparedness for these events, to building back with greater resilience.
Registration fees have been set at a low cost with special rates for delegates from low- and middle-income countries and a limited number of free places available for students. You can find the programme and registration option here.
10-11 April 2025, Athlone, Co Westmeath, Ireland
Housing Practitioners’ Conference 2025
The Housing Agency and the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) will host the 2025 Housing Practitioners’ Conference, taking place in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone, Co Westmeath on Thursday, 10th April and Friday 11th April (half day). The conference will involve expert speakers and workshops, with more details on the agenda to follow. The conference is aimed at housing practitioners including local authority staff, approved housing bodies and Government officials.
You can find more information and register for the conference here.
14-16 April 2025, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sheffield (UK) and online throughout the conference
28-30 April 2025, dedicated online sessions
Housing Studies Association Conference Households, Housing Research, Policy and Practice
The workshop sessions will address broader housing issues, including, but not limited to, topics around homelessness, dynamics in housing systems, the private rented sector, the financialisation of housing, retrofit, developments in housing theory, and tenant participation in social housing.
More information on the conference pages of the HSA website. You can register here.
15-19 April 2025, Vancouver (Canada)
International Conference on Urban Affairs: Urban concentration – Challenges to equity, mobility, and sustainability
Topic categories are:
-Beyond Land Acknowledgements: The Struggle for Native Peoples’ Rights to the City (Special Track)
-Challenges and Strategies for Advancing First Nations’ Rights in Vancouver
-Cities as Conflict Zones, Reclaiming and Rebuilding
-Arts, Culture, Preservation and Heritage in Sustainable Cities
-Community Development, Gentrification, Neighborhood Change
-Urban Economic Development Strategies; Urban Fiscal Policies
Abstract/proposal submission is open since July 1. See the conference info on the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) website for more information.
22-23 May 2025, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (United Kingdom)
Symposium: The political economy of housing production under late neoliberalism
Social scientists still pay relatively little attention to the political-economy of the housebuilding industry. This symposium aims to address this gap.
This symposium will bring together state-of-the-art research that re-centres the political economy of housebuilding in housing studies.
It is intended that the symposium will result in a Special Issue on the topic with Housing, Theory and Society.
Find more symposium details in this leaflet.
The application form – due on 3rd March 2025 – is accessible here.
3 March 2025: Submission deadline for applications (see link above for application form)
17 March 2025: All applicants informed of decision and funding allocation
2 June 2025: Attendees will be invited to prepare full paper for special issue (if presentation at the Symposium is of sufficient quality)
September 2025: Deadline for draft paper submission. Feedback will be provided by Special Issue Editors
December 2025: Papers submitted to Housing, Theory and Society to go through formal peer review process
Contact: co-organiser Chris Foye.
4-6 June, Dublin (Ireland)
International Social Housing Festival 2025
The ISHF festival is an initiative of Housing Europe. The call for submissions is open since 4 November 2024.
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025
Notification of Review Outcome: 21 March 2025
Deadline for Lead Submitter (Lead Speaker) to register to confirm attendance: 11 April 2025
Programme Available Online: End of April 2025.
See the festival website for more information.
As part of the ISHF, inspiring projects that demonstrate how social and affordable housing can promote inclusion, sustainability, and innovation across Europe will be showcased. Finalists or winners will be featured in the ERHA Handbook, an essential reference for good practices in housing.
Submit your project via
Deadline for submitting projects: 15 February 2025.
Direct contact: [email protected].
19-20 June, 2025, Tarragona (Spain)
5th International Workshop on Rent Control
This workshop, organized by Konstantin A. Kholodilin (DIW Berlin), Sergio Nasarre Aznar (UNESCO Housing Chair, Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Aurora Iannello (Associazione culturale Vera Nocentini, Turin) will be hosted by the UNESCO Housing Chair at Universitat Rovira i Virgili. The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts from different countries and different disciplines (economics, history, law, sociology, urbanism, etc.) who are interested in rent control and other housing policies. The annual workshop aims to be a forum for discussing housing policies around the world and exchange ideas. Furthermore, it also aims to encourage joint research cooperation in the field.
To apply for participation in the workshop, please complete the following form. The deadline for the submission of papers or abstracts is 31 March. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate in contacting us here.
25-28 June, Beijing (China)
APNHR Conference Towards Resilience and Inclusivity: Adapting to Multifaceted Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region
The Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research annual conference provides a platform to explore and discuss critical challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region.
Important dates:
Deadline for Abstract Submissions 10 February 2025
Abstract acceptance notifications 15 March 2025
Registration opens (tentative) 1 May 2025
Registration deadline 31 May 2025
At the conference two special sessions for two special issues will be offered.
For more information and registration see the conference page on the APNHR website.
APNHR and ENHR are sister networks and born with the purpose of connecting academics, students, and researchers of the region with people working in the same issues in Europe and other regions of the world.
30 June – 4 July 2025, Paris – Champs/Marne (France)
ENHR Annual conference: ‘Affordable housing in greening cities’
5-day conference including the New Housing Researchers Conference on 30 June, plenaries, workshops and fieldtrips.
With climate change and air pollution increasingly affecting urban living conditions, the conference will focus on the socio-economic and urban impact of green urban interventions, such as energy-efficient retrofits and sustainable housing developments. Green initiatives can lead to paradoxical outcomes, such as “green gentrification,” where vulnerable populations face displacement as housing costs rise in eco-friendly neighborhoods. Studies indicate that wealthier households tend to benefit more from decarbonization efforts, which risks deepening urban fragmentation and socio-spatial inequalities.
More information and registration options here.
1-11 July 2025, Delft (The Netherlands)
Summer School Sustainable housing from a European perspective
This Summer School at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (TU Delft) is organised with in-depth lectures covering a variety of perspectives on sustainable housing transformation, workshops, site visits, and a tender game for the renovation of a housing complex.
Target audience: Bachelor students in their final year, Master students, PhDs and professionals with background knowledge and research interests on sustainable housing and the built environment.
Your application should include a convincing motivation letter, a short CV (max. 2 pages) and a summary of research interests (max. 1 page).
40 spaces are available. Early bird registration option until 15 January 2025.
See here for more information, contact details and a flyer and A2 poster.
6-11 July 2025, Rabat (Morocco)
5th International Sociological Association’s Forum of Sociology
The existing literature has often focused on design and architectural features, as well as residents’ attitudes towards social mixing. Less is known, however, regarding how specific socio-demographic factors, such as age, and social inequalities play out in mixed-tenure neighbourhoods. The Demography, Inequality and Community Development in Mixed-Tenure Neighbourhoods session organisers are therefore interested in the following themes:
• How young people and elderly people – two relatively neglected groups – experience mixed-tenure communities.
• Although post-regeneration mixed-tenure neighbourhoods are often regarded as gentrified enclaves, this nevertheless begs all sort of questions regarding exactly how social inequalities – such as class, income and wealth, race/ethnicity, and gender – are experienced in relation to social mixing processes.
• How issues of health (both physical and mental) and disability are experienced with reference to mixed-tenure communities.
• Understanding the variety of community development strategies which are put in place in mixed-tenure neighbourhoods, and with what effects. We welcome submissions using a range of methodologies, and from different national contexts and especially from the Global South.
Submit your abstract (up to 300 words) by 15 October 2024 via the conference portal. Further details are provided here.
Session contacts: Paul Watt, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science and Rana Khazbak, School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London.
7-11 July 2025, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul (Turkey)
37th AESOP Congress Planning as a transformative action in an age of planetary crisis
The congress theme reflects the urgency of addressing planetary crises, including climate change, biodiversity loss, social inequalities, and resource depletion. At the heart of this crisis is a socio-economic system that continues to promote growth-oriented development and relies on unsustainable practices, reinforcing deep-seated inequalities and social exclusion.
Key Dates
5 December 2024: Call for abstracts open (Congress Tracks)
16 December 2024: Call for Special Sessions and Roundtables open
31 January 2025: Deadline for Roundtable and Special Session Applications
31 January 2025: Deadline for abstract submissions (Congress Tracks)
07 February 2025: Special Sessions and Roundtables notifications
21 February 2025: Deadline abstract submission for presentations included in Special Sessions
10 March 2025: Abstract notifications
10 March 2025: Early Bird Registration open
08 April 2025: Full Paper Submission open
15 April 2025: Early bird registration deadline
30 April 2025: Registration deadline for presenters for inclusion in the Conference Scientific Program
31 May 2025: Full paper submission deadline
16 June 2025: Late registration deadline for participants without paper presentation.
You can register here.
8-9 September 2025 Glasgow
Reflections and Developments in Housing Research: What’s Next?
The International Journal of Housing Policy is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and together with the UK Centre for Collaborative Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is hosting this symposium. The seminar will situate its retrospective insights with an eye of the future direction of research. We hope that the occasion will be a celebration of the significant contributions of the housing research community and highlight the importance of continued research in shaping housing futures.
Housing scholars are invited to submit short abstracts of papers (max 250 words) for the conference by 31 March. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 30 APRIL.
Abstracts may address a wide range of themes, including (but not limited to):
• Past/ongoing trends drivers – e.g. financialisaton, globalisation, neoliberalism, etc.
• New/ongoing drivers: climate change, digitalisation, AI, populism
• Housing governance: role of government in changing world
• Policy transfer
• Methodological developments
• Global North and South.
Find all symposium info in this flyer.
Send your abstracts to: Kalina Raeva, and put in the subject bar “IJHP/ CaCHE Symposium”.
Attendance at the conference, including a conference dinner, is free. However, there is a limited number of places.
15–19 September 2025
Vienna International Summer School on New Social Housing 2025
Theme: Housing and Health – The Role of Dwelling in Shaping Individual, Communal, and Planetary Well-Being
Adequate housing is a precondition for good health and well-being whilst housing deficiencies can have immediate negative consequences for physical and mental health. Historically, health and hygiene have been foundational factors for social housing and have been central to reform and renewal programs.
The summer school is open for early-stage academics (predoc, postdoc) from all disciplinary contexts as well as for housing activists and representatives of housing and urban policy initiatives. During the summer school, we will discuss research findings of empirical or design-based contributions. Building on these, we will also work conceptually by example of urban areas in Vienna.
The Summer School is organized by the Research Center for New Social Housing, a collaboration of TU Wien, the University of Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Deadline for applications: 1 April 2025
No fee of participation. Travel costs are covered (up to € 300 for Europe / € 700 for outside of Europe). Free accommodation.
Application and selection process: visit the summer school website or send an e-mail to [email protected] for more information.
Recent ENHR events
12-13 March 2025
4th Online seminar for new housing researchers
Present your PhD research and ask a peer audience and senior ENHR chair for input and advice.
30 January 2025, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research – LISER (Luxembourg)
Housing young people in the affordability-crisis context: a European view on family support, market supply and policy responses
The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and the ENHR Working Group Housing and Young People.
10-11 December 2024, Luxembourg
Workshop Homeownership, housing, and inequality: Continuity and change + Call for Papers
The ENHR Homeownership and Globalisation working group, in collaboration with the PROPEL project at the University of Luxembourg, organised this workshop.
26-30 August 2024, Delft (The Netherlands)
ENHR Annual conference: Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions
5-day conference including the New Housing Researchers Conference on 26 August and plenaries, workshops and fieldtrips.
23-24 May 2024, Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Workshop ‘A View from Housing – Contributions of Housing Research to Social and Behavioural Theory’
Workshop at the University of Glasgow, by Critical Housing Analysis and the ENHR Working Group on Comparative Housing Policy.
24-27 April 2024, New York (USA)
Cities on the Edge: Promoting equity and resiliency through research, activism, planning, and policy
Annual Urban Affairs Association conference, this year in collaboration with ENHR and the European Urban Research Organisation (EURA).
11-12 March 2024 (online)
3rd New Housing Researchers online seminar
Present your PhD research and ask a peer audience and senior ENHR chair for input and advice on 11 March (afternoon sessions) and 12 March (morning sessions).
28-30 June 2023, Lodz (Poland)
ENHR annual conference themed ‘Urban regeneration: shines and shadows’
Annual ENHR conference.
16 March 2023
Webinar Southern European housing policies in the 2020s: the farewell to residualisation?
Organised by the Working Group Southern European Housing.
Discussion and review of the state of the art of current housing policies (and their respective narratives – political, media, citizens etc.) in Southern European countries and/or regions and/or cities, problematizing them in the context of the above- mentioned changes.
9-10 March 2023
2nd New Researchers online seminar
Invited to participate were PhD students as well as others that currently are not yet at this stage but have the intention to embark on PhD studies in the future. There was no requirement to submit a full paper.
30 August – 2 September 2022 Barcelona (Spain)
The struggle for the ‘Right to Housing’: The pressures of globalization and affordability in cities today
Annual ENHR conference.
15-16 June 2022 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Late Homeownership – ENHR Working Group Homeownership and Globalization workshop
The aim of this workshop is to bring together research that revolves around the idea of transformation of homeownership associated with the financialization of mortgage and housing markets.
11 March 2022
New researchers’ on-line seminar
First on-line seminar for for new researchers to present and discuss their work with pears and get feedback on their work from senior members of the ENHR research community.
30 August – 2 September 2021 Nicosia (Cyprus) – online
‘Unsettled settlements: Housing in unstable contexts’
Annual ENHR conference.
27 May 2021
Online seminar Recent dynamics in homeownership and housing wealth
Hosted by Working Group Homeownership and Globalisation.
12-26 February 2021
Housing related impacts of the pandemic
Nine online seminars, most of them organised and hosted by ENHR Working Groups.
28-29 January 2021
Online workshop to share ideas, findings and discuss insights pertaining to housing, migration and family dynamics
Working Group Housing, Migration and Family Dynamics.
20-21 January 2021 Cologne (Germany)
Workshop ‘Recent Trends in European Rental Market Regulation’
Hosted by Working Group ‘Housing Finance‘ and ‘Private Rented Markets‘ in cooperation with the German Economic Institute (IW – Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft).
20 January 2021
Webinar ‘Housing and new technologies: New methodologies and paradigms in housing research’
Organised by the new Working Group Housing and New Technologies.