Online Seminar
11-12 March 2024

New housing block in the city of Delft (The Netherlands).
Based on the success of the seminars in March 2022 and 2023 the ENHR organises a third online seminar for new researchers on the 11th (1 pm – 5.30 pm CET) and 12th (8:30 am – 1 pm CET) of March 2024.
Invited to participate are PhD students as well as others that currently are not be at this stage but had the intention to embark on PhD studies in the future.
The key aims of the seminar are to:
- provide an opportunity for new researchers to present and discuss their work with peers,
- get feedback on their work from senior members of the ENHR research community,
- enable new researchers to exchange ideas and share work experiences,
- discuss any other matters of common interest,
- assist and encourage new researchers to prepare papers to be presented at the 2024 conference that is planned to take place in Delft (The Netherlands) on 26-30 August,
- initiate and set up a forum for facilitating regular communication between new researchers within the framework of the ENHR.
How to register?
Potential participants are invited to submit a brief abstract of about 500 words to the ENHR Secretariat: [email protected] (deadline 31 January 2024).
Abstracts should include a title, description of the work to be discussed highlighting topic, approach, method and results (if any) and name, affiliation and contact details of the author.
Since this is planned to be an in-between gathering, it is no required to submit a full paper. The abstract has to include the title, brief description of the work to be discussed and name of the author.
The seminar is free of charge and open also to those who wished to attend and participate in the discussions without submitting an abstract.