Minority Ethnic Groups and Housing


Gideon Bolt (main contact)
Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht
Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University
Utrecht, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen
Danish Building Research Institute (SBi)
Aalborg University Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected]

The central themes
Central themes of this Working Group are:

  • Housing conditions, housing preferences and residential mobility of minority ethnic groups.
  • Concentration and segregation of minority ethnic groups.
  • Living in multicultural neighbourhoods.

Activities and output in recent years
The Working Group organised a workshop on every bigger ENHR conference since 1993. Between 2006 and 2016, we have been present at each of the ENHR-conferences.
In 2018 (Uppsala), we had 12 papers in our workshop, including 3 within a special session on ‘School Segregation’.
In 2019 we organised a very well-attended set of sessions for ENHR 2019 in Athens. We had four sessions with 12 presenters in total.

Future plans and activities
We are planning to organise a workshop in Cyprus 2020.

Policy implementation
Papers in our workshop are relevant for a variety of policy fields, like social mixing, immigrant integration, planning for diversity, housing allocation, and social cohesion.
