Gideon Bolt (main contact) Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht Faculty of Geosciences Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands [email protected]
Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen Danish Building Research Institute (SBi) Aalborg University Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark [email protected]
The central themes Central themes of this Working Group are:
Housing conditions, housing preferences and residential mobility of minority ethnic groups.
Concentration and segregation of minority ethnic groups.
Living in multicultural neighbourhoods.
Activities and output in recent years The Working Group organised a workshop on every bigger ENHR conference since 1993. Between 2006 and 2016, we have been present at each of the ENHR-conferences. In 2018 (Uppsala), we had 12 papers in our workshop, including 3 within a special session on ‘School Segregation’. In 2019 we organised a very well-attended set of sessions for ENHR 2019 in Athens. We had four sessions with 12 presenters in total.
Future plans and activities We are planning to organise a workshop in Cyprus 2020.
Policy implementation Papers in our workshop are relevant for a variety of policy fields, like social mixing, immigrant integration, planning for diversity, housing allocation, and social cohesion.