New Housing Researchers colloquia and seminars
The New Housing Researchers Colloquium (NHRC) is, primarily, intended for researchers engaged in PhD studies on any housing related topic. It is, however, also open to other researchers that may choose to present their paper in a setting that offers a mentorial critique of their work. The papers presented at NHRC are reviewed by highly experienced senior researchers who provide critical feedback and suggest improvements for achieving better scientific quality. In addition to its scientific merits, the NHRC also offers participants the opportunity to establish new academic contacts worldwide.
The goal of the New Housing Researchers seminar NHR seminar is to support researchers engaged in PhD studies in preparing papers for the conference. Based on short presentations they receive oral feedback on their presentation and questions they might have by the session chair and other participants.

Participants of the NHRC in Uppsala, 2018.
What is, today, known as the New Housing Researchers Colloquium (NHRC) was initially called the Young Housing Researchers Seminar. The word ‘young’ was replaced by ‘new’ in the group’s name in 2002 in order to remove any unintended implication of age limitation that might dissuade some researchers from participating in the meetings.
Since 2000 NHRCs are being organised every other year, concurrently with the ENHR Conference. However, this decision is not totally restrictive. ENHR conference hosts are free to consecutively organise a NHRC if they choose to. Visit the conference overview page to find out if an NHRC is included in the programme.
In addition to the NHRC’s also online seminars are being organised. The first one took place in March 2022. Visit the conference overview page to find out when the next New Housing Researchers online seminar will take place.

NHRC plenary session at the Barcelona 2022 conference.
As of the end of 2022 Emma Holmqvist and Igor Costarelli are the contact persons for the NHRC. Their main task is to provide the necessary basic support to the NHRC organisers. Such support might take the form of advice on prescribed topics within the main conference theme, assistance in the organisation of workshops and assistance in the selection of mentors.
From 2009 until 2022 Richard Sendi has been long standing contact person for the NHRC.

Participants and chairs at the ENHR2024 conference in Delft.