ENHR strengthens academic contacts
The European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) was established in 1988 to provide an organizational platform for institutions and individuals in (and outside) Europe, who are actively engaged in housing research. It now has about 1000 individual and nearly 100 institutional members representing almost every country in Europe. Although ENHR is an European network, researchers from outside Europe are also very welcome to join.

ENHR brings housing
researchers together

ENHR members come from all over Europe

ENHR has more than 25 Working Groups

What are the advantages of becoming a member?
Meeting many housing researchers, including PhDs and postdocs, enjoying a discount at ENHR and UAA conferences, finding research partners and co-authers.
I want to become a member. How can I apply?
You can become an individual member by signing up here.
Make your employer an Institutional Member here.
Make your employer an Associate Member here.
When and where will the next annual conference be held?
Conferences are being announced on the website and in the Newsletter.
How can I become a member of a Working Group?
You can contact the coordinators of the Working Group(s) of your choice (see Overview Working Groups).
How can I apply for a post in the Coordination Committee?
CC elections take place every two years at even years. The elections and how to apply are being announced by e-mail and published in the Newsletter.
How can I deliver news items and conference announcements?
You can send news items and Newsletter items to the ENHR secretariat, preferably with illustrations.